My articles on Medium
  1. Fetch API — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching lifecycleThe Fetch API is a powerful and flexible tool for making HTTP requests in the browser.
  2. Async/Await — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching lifecycleMake your asynchronous code more readable and easier to understand.
  3. Promises — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching lifecycleA powerful feature of JavaScript that makes it easier to write Asynchronous code.
  4. Synchronous and Asynchronous — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data…Two different types of programming implementations can confuse.
  5. AJAX and XMLHttpRequest — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching…You can create web applications that are more responsive and user-friendly by using AJAX and XMLHttpRequest.
  6. Callbacks — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching lifecycleA callback is a programming technique in which a function is passed as an argument to another function and is executed.
  7. V8 JavaScript engine — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching…V8 is the most popular JavaScript engine and was developed by Google.
  8. Introduction — Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching lifecycleIt’s important to note that using client-side data fetching can affect the performance of your application.
  9. Understanding JavaScript API Requests and Responses in the Data Fetching lifecycleIn this article series <strong>Introduction, V8 JavaScript engine, Callbacks, AJAX/XMLHttpRequest, Synchronous/Asynchronous, Promises, Async/Await, Fetch API, and Conclusion</strong>.
  10. Just Let Me Say — Be YourselfI want to say something to you and would like you never forget.